I’m passionate about helping you grow your confidence and impact

Meet Abby

Your Confidence Coach

Years ago, I was a senior director for an organization.  I say “senior,” but it never felt like my skillset was senior to anyone. I felt like an imposter, trapped inside a negative mindset of my own making, unknowingly self-sabotaging my career.

It wasn’t until I discovered clarity around my mindset, boundaries, and confidence that I began to step into my full potential. This ignited a passion within me to help empower other women to break free from self-imposed limitations and step into their full potential.

As a confidence coach specializing in supporting women in leadership, I am passionate about guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Drawing from my own experiences and expertise over the last decade, I am dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential and step into your authentic power as a leader.

I look forward to hearing your story and seeing how we can navigate your challenges with compassion and conviction.

Who is coaching ideal for?

C-Suite Executives


Business owners

Academic Administrators

Executive Directors


I can help

Master your mindset

I want to help you meet your maximum potential, whether it’s helping you grow in your career or thrive in your home.

Maintain healthy boundaries

It can be intimidating to set and maintain boundaries. Learn to communicate in a way that keeps everyone in healthy boundaries.

Lead with confidence

I’m passionate about helping women thrive in their professional and personal life. Learn to present yourself and your concepts with confidence.

“Abby’s personal experiences and in-depth advice helped guide me to overcome the fears, angst, worry and frustration that come along with my health problems."

Sarah DeNunzio

Let’s start a conversation.

Book a free consultation call.